In this unit, students will explore the common and divergent views in the way Christian beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed. Students will be provided with a range of different Christian perspectives including Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. They will study the specific differences in the key beliefs and teachings and common practices within Christianity. Topics to be covered include:
-The nature of God
-God as omnipotent, loving and just
-The Trinity and oneness of God
-The creation story
-Incarnation and Jesus the son of God
-The crucifixion
-Resurrection and ascension
-Afterlife and judgement
-Heaven and hell
-Sin and salvation
-Christ in salvation
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure preparation for the GCSE exam.
Life after death. This includes Jannah (heaven) and Jahannam (hell).
The group of Muslims who believe that Muhammad's successor, and the first Imam, was Ali.
The group of Muslims who believe that Muhammad's successor was Abu Bakr.
Predestination. God knows the future and wills it.
In this unit students will explore Christianity, Teaching and Beliefs as well as Practices - We will go over keys point within these two areas. For example, How and why do Christians pray? What is the importance of baptism for Christians? This and many more topics will be investigated.
Christianity: Teaching and Beliefs/Practices
Holy Communion.
Food banks.
Street Pastors.
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam Spec structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.
Communicating with God (silently, praise, thanksgiving, or confession)
An 'outward sign' of 'inward grace'
A journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons
A day or period of celebration for religious reasons.
A word used in the Bible that describes selfless, sacrifical, unconditional love.
A build in which Christians worship
A service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated.
The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus; also known as the 'Our Father'
Acts of religious praise, honour or devotion.
Islam: Religious Beliefs and Teachings-
God’s Will and the nature of God.
The Qur'an and other holy writings.
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure students are prepared for their AQA GCSE exam.
When a pregnancy is terminated.
Scientific theory about the origins of the universe.
The point at which the sperm fertilises the egg.
Belief that humans have been put in charge of the world.
Mercy killing.
Scientific theory of the development of the species involving natural selection.
Place of medical care for the dying.
How good or comfortable someone's life is.
Belief that life is sacred as it's given by God.
Duty of humans to look after the world.
Islam: Religious Practices:
The five pillars of Islam, obligatory acts and Shahadah.
Fasting and Ramadan.
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure they are fully prepared for their GCSE examination.
Pilgrimage to Makkah - to be completed once in a lifetime.
Fasting during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan.
The declaration of faith which states that Allah is one, and Muhammad is his messenger/prophet.
Giving alms (charity) to those who need help.
Ablution. Cleansing before prayer.
The black covered cube in the centre of the main mosque of Makkah.
The prayers that Muslim attend each week on Friday afternoon.
Actions performed during prayer.
In preparation for end of year exam, students will have full revision covering four units of work on Christian beliefs, Christian Practices, Muslim beliefs and Muslim Practices
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam specification structure and mark scheme to ensure preparation for the GCSE exam.
The Arabic name for God.
The goodness of God. One of his 99 names.
Prophethood. One way God communicates to humanity.
The holy book of Islam. The infallible word of God.
The 'oneness' of God.
In this unit students will explore Theme A of the GCSE themed unit on relationship and families covering topics like:
Human sexuality
-Views on sex
-Divorce and remarriage
-Nature of families
-Purpose of families
-Gender equality
Within this unit comparative exam questions will be taught.
Series of questions using GCSE AQA Exam Spec structure and mark scheme to ensure students are prepared for the AQA GCSE exam.
Having sex with someone who is not your spouse.
When a marriage is cancelled (Roman Catholic).
Not having sex.
When a couple live together without being married.
A method to prevent pregnancy.
A family- including grandparents, cousins etc.
Family of mother, father and child(ren).
Having more than one wife.
Having a child.