How did the Normans Conquer England?
- What is History and why do we study it?
- Who were the Anglo-Saxons and why did they come to England?
- Who were the different contenders to the throne?
- What happened at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?
- Why did William win the Battle of Hastings?
- How did William control England?
Assessment: Students complete knowledge short answer questions and an extended piece of writing based on a second order concept.
Events in the order of when they happened
Things you see, read or experience that lead you to know something is true or has happened. Historians use it to reconstruct the past.
the movement of people from one place to another
An elite warrior, equivalent to a body guard of a lord or king.
a defensive formation used in battle
soldiers mounted on horses
The people living in Normandy (France) who conquered England I the 11th century.
The people who lived in England between the 5th-11th centuries. They originally came from the area which is now Germany.
an image made by sewing
a story
The student will be able to understand the historical chronology and historical narrative.
The students will understand British values over time by exploring the changes to British society.
What was medieval life like?
- Why was the Medieval Church important?
- What was Medieval work like?
- How much of an impact did the Black Death have?
- How important were women and children in Medieval England?
Assessment: Students complete knowledge short answer questions and an extended piece of writing based on a second order concept.
These were put in churches to remind people what happened if they sinned.
a style of castle introduced by the Normans with an enclosed courtyard (bailey) and a mound of earth (motte) which the castle sits on top of.
when someone gets banned from the Catholic church and their souls go straight to hell.
a plain gown (sometimes itchy material) that monks would wear
a religious building where monks lived
Head of a monastery
a swollen gland in the groin or armpit
the Middle Ages, usually the 11th- 14th century.
a contagious bacterial disease
a journey to a place of religious importance in order to be forgiven for a sin.
The students will have strong grasp of the consequences and significance of key events of the Medieval period in Britain and Western Europe.
The students will be able explore the consequences of major historical events, during the Medieval period, that impacted the wider society of Britain and Western Europe.
How and why did people come into conflict in Medieval Europe?
- Who was King John and how much did the Magna Carta change England?
- How and why did Scotland come into conflict with England?
- What was the 100 Years’ War?
- What caused and how successful was the Peasants’ revolt?
Assessment: Students complete knowledge short answer questions and an extended piece of writing based on a second order concept.
to place events or causes in a particular group because they have a common link.
a written arrangement from the king or queen of a country defining the rights of a group.
A tax where everyone paid the same amount.
discuss in order to come to an agreement or deal
an educated guess based on evidence; what we take away from a piece of evidence or source.
a formal agreement between states that usually leads to peace after a war or battle.
surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender
rejecting the favourite religion of the time, or having beliefs about that religion which are "wrong".
This unit helps students understand the nature of human conflict, and helps them understand the origins or modern Britain.
This unit helps students understand the context of our modern freedoms as a society, which we all share.
In term 4 the students learn about the reasons for, the events, and consequences of the Crusades.
- The Great Schism
- What caused the First Crusade?
- What happened in the Second Crusade?
- The Battle of Hattin
- What happened in the Third Crusade?
- When did the Crusades end?
Assessment: Students complete knowledge short answer questions and an extended piece of writing based on a second order concept.
a journey to a place of religious importance in order to be forgiven for a sin.
hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs
deliberately and brutally kill (many people).
unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one's own
someone who fought for the Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.
a person who trades goods across the Medieval world.
a horse used to carry heavy loads- usually linked to trade.
how much a source is relevant to a question you are being asked.
An artefact, document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time which we look back on for information.
Helps students understand the diversity and depth or the Medieval world. Encourages a broad knowledge of a range of historical environments.
Promotes a diverse view of the medieval world and the origins of some of today's religious conflicts.
Which Medieval Empires were important?
- Why was the Mali Empire so strong?
- What happened to Byzantium?
- What was the impact of the Arab empires?
- How strong was medieval China?
- Who were and what happened to the Aztecs?
Assessment: Students complete knowledge short answer questions and an extended piece of writing based on a second order concept.
A landlocked country between Russia and China.
The act of creating something new
A vast and powerful empire with Constantinople its capital city.
an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by one person.
A conclusion
the religion of Muslim people where there is only one god (Allah).
A later relative of a person (the ancestor).
a reason for something happening in History.
an area of land which has been overcome by military force.
A name for a Muslim sovereign (king or queen).
Encourages an understanding of the way medieval empires influenced the world.
Supporting a diverse understanding of the different cultures' histories within modern Britain,
The Renaissance
- What was the Renaissance?
- How did Renaissance artists revolutionise art?
- What did the humanists believe?
- What happened to Albrecht Durers’ rhino?
- Who was the greatest Renaissance individual?
- Why did Europeans explore the world?
End of Year Exam: short 1 and 2 mark questions and extended writing based on a second order concepts.
a rebirth or revival in interest of learning based on classical models from Greece and Rome.
a city and surrounding land that forms an independent state from any bigger control
add notes or comments to
an event or person who has a noticeable effect or influence on future events.
Those who studied the planets and the world around them in order to improve everyday lives.
the measure of the importance given to events, people or locations in History.
In art, when a person or thing is shown in a way that is accurate and true to life.
argue over the price of something
whether a source is trustworthy for a historian to rely on.
a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
Encourages understanding of important cultural movements and changes
Encourages common aspects with other subjects and extra curricular activities.